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Best Portable & Hand Held Fish Finders For Sale

A portable fish finder uses active sonar to detect objects in a body of water.  Sonar is actually an acronym for “sound navigation and ranging,” a technique that uses underwater sound propagation to navigate, communicate, or detect other vessels.  With active sonar, the sonar unit emits pulses of sounds and listens for echoes, and then makes computations from those echoes.  This is distinguished from passive sonar, where the unit is essentially just listening for the sound made by other vessels. The portable fish finder sends an electrical impulse from a transmitter, which is then converted into a sound wave by a transducer.  The sound wave is sent into the water, and when it strikes an object, it bounces off it and back to the transducer, where it is converted back into an electrical signal.  A receiver amplifies this signal and sends it to a display screen.  With this basic understanding, one can determine the most important factors in how to choose the best fish finder. Firs

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